Trinitytuts Tech
Aneh Thakur
Aneh Thakur.1 min read

How we can check SHA1 or Signature of APK and Keystore file

Learn how we can get Signature information from APK file or also from your Keystore file in your android application. Yu will get MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 information.

How we can check SHA1 or Signature of APK and Keystore file
Aneh Thakur
Aneh Thakur.2 min read


Learn how to fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error in web browser using simple techniques and steps. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN fix for Window, mac and linux.

Aneh Thakur
Aneh Thakur.1 min read

Ignore or Exclude specific files or complete folder in NGINX

Learn how to ignore or exclude specific files and folder from NGINX configuration file with simple and easy steps.


Cancel current or queue request in OKHTTP3

Cancel current or queue request in OKHTTP3. Cancle queue or current request for new request okhttp 3 trinitytuts

Aneh Thakur
Aneh Thakur.2 min read

Multiselect spinner item in Android

MultiSelect spinner item in Android. Add check box in your spinner and get selected value android. Trinity tuts best tutorial for beginners . Trinity tuts

Multiselect spinner item in Android
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